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Dase • 1 year ago

That whip in the novel actually does more than physical damage it also causes pain to their soul, a mere ordinary whip would not have caused He Zong any damage and I believe it was Teacher Situ that was whipped along with He Zong, not that guy

Seeing how the series is about to end soon, 60 episodes this season I will provide a spoiler summary but bear in mind, the studio might change things, seeing how the recent episodes have started to deviate a little from the novel:

Jun Jiu joins a sect where there's only two female including herself, the sect master likes Jun Jiu so much that he swears a blood oath to become her sworn brother, in fact the whole sect adores her, treating her like a baby sister
Yunxue is forced to marry the crown prince, it was only when they were in the bridal room that she realises that the crown prince is impotent and cannot perform due to Jun Jiu "castrated" him with fire. Yunxue then tricks former soldiers loyal to Jun Jiu's father into thinking she is the real Jun Jiu in order to get into one of the five sects and obtain the rest of Jun Jiu's inheritance. She also gets the soldiers to murder the crown prince, well prince now, he was demoted after a series of revelations. Her father dies in a fire and her mother's head is lopped off by Jun Jiu
Little does Yunxue knows Jun Jiu doesnt care about her inheritance much less the loyalty of her "father's" former soldiers, in fact the leader of the soldier along with another knows Yunxue isnt the real Jun Jiu and was using Yunxue to bait enemies out of hiding that wanted to kill Jun Jiu
Jun Jiu's mother came from the middle realm while her father is in the lower realm (where Jun Jiu is currently at) Mo Wuyue came from the high realm, in fact he originated from the God realm but was exiled twice. Once by his parents for being rebellious and the second time was by a group of supremes in the high realm (only two survived, the rest either died or was crippled with a tether of life left when they imprisoned Wuyue
Jun Jiu's father is currently in the middle realm, trying to find his wife
Wuyue and his subordinate who is a dark blue/green dragon and a demon respectively, are capable of wiping out the entire lower and middle realm without breaking a sweat, there is also another subordinate (a frost dragon) but you will see him much much later on, even though you will hear both speak of him or when communicating with him
Above the five sects there is a group of "imperial family" that governs the entire lower realm
There will be multiple antagonists when they reach the "imperial family" and middle realm, if you think Jun Yunxue is hateful, you havent see anything yet

TRD-MR2 • 1 year ago

I don't know if they had simply swapped minds or Jun Jiu's mind/body was just replaced entirely, but whatever happened to the original Jun Jiu from the very beginning?

Dase • 1 year ago

In the first episode, the high tech world Jun Jiu was thrown out of a skyscraper falling to her death and at the same time the original Jun Jiu in the ancient world fell down a cliff, they saw each other for the briefest of moments and then swapped souls. Original Jun Jiu from the ancient world went to high tech world where she died, since the body was splattered all over the place. Current Jun Jiu's age is much older than her actual body of 14-15 years old
But in the novel, the high tech world Jun Jiu's body was actually recovered and healed by someone, the one who caused the explosion and "killed" her, you wont see this until much much later

Vin • 1 year ago

i love that Mo Muyue dude. jun jiu nice choice ~_^

TRD-MR2 • 1 year ago

Boring a hole?...
Hollowing out?...
Hesitant flustered MC facial expression?...

Is that signifying the sexual innuendo I think it's signifying 😉

Otacultist • 1 year ago

Anyone knows what show the post credit scene is from?

MR STOLEN Donghua • 1 year ago

Aah where is this show headed ???